Friday, July 31, 2009

Day 3, Level 1 - 30 Day Shred

OMG! I was sweating soo much tonight that I had sweat rolling down into my ears! Jillian is one tough cookie. Jumping jacks weren't fun tonight. The arches and underside of my feet hurt. I got through it once again but am getting pretty sore. I've never been able to do a push up in my entire life. My husband has been working with me to show me how I can actually do them. My upper body just isn't strong enough to lower down in the push up. So, in order to still work those muscle groups I'm doing them slightly elevated. In other words, instead of being parallel to the ground I'm placing my hands along a futon and doing my push up. I can actually do it and boy does it hurt. Hopefully by the end of level one I will be able to do them on the ground. Time will tell.

I hope the other ladies are doing well today too. 3 days down 27 to go! (for the first shred anyway.)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Day 2, Level 1 - 30 Day Shred

Wow am I hot and sweaty. Jillian kicked my butt tonight. I really don't like jumping rope, my calves hate it. I got through the whole thing without stopping. Whenever I felt like giving in I thought about how great I'll look when I'm all done, and how much not only I but also my husband will appreciate it.

So I got brave today and had my husband take some before pictures, even though it's been a day already. It's close enough to the beginning. (I'll post them with the after pictures.) I also took my measurements. I'm keeping track of them on so when I am finished I can track my progress and even see a nice report and graph. But also, because Christina was brave enough to post her measurements I thought it would only be fair for me to do the same.

So here goes (cringe)...
Weight: 158 today woo hoo going down already from 163.
Upper Abs (3 inches above waistline):31.5
Waist (I used my belly button as reference):35
Lower Abs (2 inches below waistline):39
Hips (6 inches below waistline: 39.5
Upper Arms (largest part between elbow and shoulder):10.5
Thighs (largest part of upper thigh):22.5
Calf (largest part between knee and ankle):14.5
Chest (bust line):37.25

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 1, Level 1 - 30 Day Shred

Yay! I did it!!! It really wasn't so bad. I do have to admit though the first or second round of jump rope totally sucked but I never stopped and didn't give up. Jillian totally knew when I needed that extra push and always said something encouraging to keep me going. I can tell that she'll really push me to my limits and beyond. I'm excited to keep going. I know I'm going to be sore soon enough, but it's totally worth it.

Side note: My boss is a goof. I was supposed to have Friday and Saturday off. He mentioned today that he and his wife are going out of town on Friday and won't be back until Monday. We have students scheduled for Friday and Saturday silly man. Now I have to go in on both Friday and Saturday so my hubby's idea of waiting to start to have the weekend to adjust has gone out the door lol.

Time for a shower, I'm drenched!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday's Workout... Getting Ready for the Shred

Another day of sweating... I still haven’t started the actual “Shred” but, I did work out and get sweaty for 20 minutes today. It was late so I walked, danced, ran in place, and jumped rope among other things in my house because it was too late to go for a walk/jog outside. I’m getting excited to start the Shred, I might start it tomorrow and not wait until Thursday like my husband suggested. We’ll see how it goes tomorrow. I’ll definitely be doing it on Thursday for sure though.

I weighed in at 160.6 this morning, it’s probably more accurate than the mid day weigh in yesterday. I need to find my measuring tape to get some measurements before I really get to shredding.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday's workout ... And we're off

Today, was the first day of getting back on track to being fit. Not to make excuses but here's what happened... I was scheduled to work today from 9-1 but ended up having to stay until 3:30p.m. I originally blocked out my time for my work out for 3p.m. I had to run a few errands after work and didn't get home until after 5:30. By that time I had to pump and then feed the kido. It was 8:30p.m. once everything started to settle down. I was determined to do my first day of the 30 Day Shred today... nothing was going to stop me.

Well, I work from 1pm to 7pm tomorrow night. That meant that I'd have to do my workout before work on my late days. I had planned to workout at 10am on my late days in and 3pm on my early days in. Well, because it was already so late in the evening I was concerned that my muscles would barely have 12 hours to recoup before I did the same routine all over again. I didn't think it was such a great idea but told myself oh well do it anyway. My husband suggested I wait until the end of the week to start, and I told him that I already committed myself to start working out tonight. Eventually, he explained and convinced me that I would be better off to wait to start my 30 Day Shred on Thursday. I have Friday through Sunday off and I would be able to get into a nice routine and start to get my body acclimated to the new workout. I agreed with his reasoning but still insisted that I work out this week even if it was not the 30 Day Shred.

So instead of Shred Day 1, I went for a short walk and then my husband worked with me on some self defense moves. I definitely broke a sweat and worked out for a good 40 mins. It's not what I intended to do today but I think it's waaay better than what I have been doing which is nothing.

Oh, as an early birthday present I bought myself a digital scale. My old one was thrown away when we moved and it was not digital. I hated reading that tiny needle over those silly lines. I weighed in during the middle of the day after lunch when I got home so it's not really the best starting weight time but it's something. I weighed in at 163lbs. Hopefully that will look better in the morning and of course over the next 30 days!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Journey Begins

I've started this blog as a way to help keep myself accountable for the fitness challenge I have decided to partake in. A few of the girls from the What To Expect September 2008 board and I are going to do the Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. I'm also going to continue to eat healthy and make smarter choices where needed. My goal is to update my fitness blog daily with my progress.