Monday, September 7, 2009

Round 2, 30 Day Shred, Days 5 - 7

These past few days I've been working out REALLY late again. I've been staying up really late and working out before I go to bed. It's a holiday weekend. I suppose once I go back to work on Tuesday I'll work out earlier again. I've made sure to workout every day.

Those push ups are killer again. I'm definitely getting better at them though. My arms are sore, and my legs too. I think my least favorite exercise this level is the side lunge with arm raises. The lunge part is cake, it's the arm raises that aren't that fun. The jumping jacks feel great though after doing the push ups and and such; They really stretch out the muscles in my arms and chest.

My weight keeps dropping which is great. I'm down to 152lbs! My legs are looking great too. Even my tush is getting more defined. I'm really pleased with the results so far.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Round 2- 30 Day Shred Days 1-4

So now I'm on round 2! I haven't posted every day though I have done my workout every day this week so far Monday -Thursday. I stayed up REALLY late tonight, Thursday, and didn't do my workout until 4:30a.m. Friday morning... but I'm still counting it for Thursday as I'll workout again later tonight for Friday. With the new weights my arms are really feeling it. I've also lost another 1.6 pounds! So in 34 days of working out I've lost a total of 7.6 pounds.

I'd say I'm doing pretty good so far. I hope to keep it up and can't wait to see even better results.